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- 5 Dec 1908 (Vervaardig)
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5 Selwyn Gardens, Cambridge. - Thanks Trevelyan for "Sisyphus": thinks 'the revival of the 'Satyric' drama... seems to be a highly promising experiment; the passages where 'the verse (under stress of hyper-tragic emotion...) is forced beyond content [?]' gave him 'great joy' when he 'caught the trick of them'. Will read the play again as soon as he can; meanwhile he has passed it on to his wife and [daughter] Helen. He and his family hope that next term Trevelyan and his wife will visit them; asks him to let them know when might suit. Has sent Desmond MacCarthy a 'most important application of Aristophanic criticism of Tennyson's "Idylls"' for the "[New] Quarterly" [published in "New Quarterly" 2 (1909), pp 81-89]; aimed not against Tennyson by Aristophanes; thinks it migh interest Trevelyan when it comes out.
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- Verrall, Arthur Woollgar (1851-1912), classical scholar (Onderwerp)
- Verrall, Margaret de Gaudrion (1857-1916), classicist and parapsychologist (Onderwerp)
- Salter, Helen Woollgar de Gaudrion (1883-1959), psychical researcher and psychologist (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Elizabeth (1875-1957), musician (Onderwerp)
- MacCarthy, Sir Charles Otto Desmond (1877-1952), knight, literary reviewer and drama critic (Onderwerp)
- Aristophanes (c 446 BC-c 386 BC), Greek comic playwright (Onderwerp)
- Tennyson, Alfred (1809-1892), 1st Baron Tennyson, poet (Onderwerp)
- New Quarterly (journal) (Onderwerp)