Pièce 79 - Letter from Sir George Trevelyan to R. C. Trevelyan

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Letter from Sir George Trevelyan to R. C. Trevelyan


  • 24 Nov 1904 (Production)

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Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Thanks Robert for his letter of 21 November [46/102], which only arrived this evening due to one train being snowed in near Reedsmouth on Monday night and the other 'opposite Donkin-rig'. There was four foot of snow on the road to the station, the telegraphs were broken, and they were cut off from the outside world for three days. It is 'like the Siege of Londonderry or (to please Elizabeth) the Relief of Leyden [Leiden]'. Good to hear about the [new] house and garden; Robert and Elizabeth are lucky to have had fine weather for building, as Sir George and Caroline were for their kennels and farm buildings. Very much liked the 'Chinese pieces', though cannot tell from Robert's letter whether they were by him or Professor [Herbert] Giles; Bessy can tell Caroline when she next writes. Is eager to see Robert's book.

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