Stuk 82 - Letter from Sophie Weisse to Elizabeth Trevelyan


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Letter from Sophie Weisse to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 21 Dec 1912 (Vervaardig)



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Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Thanks Bessie for all her kindness: she is a 'true friend'. Donald [Tovey] has gone to Wales; they few days he spent with her were 'very quiet' with 'no sort of discussion'. Has not yet got the new programmes for the [Chelsea] Concerts. Donald kept saying 'how valueless [Pablo] Casals had always been to him'; this was very hurtful, as it reminds her of his parents, but she said nothing. Donald 'seemed a little better'; hopes he will not talk in Wales and that the subject will 'recede in his mind'. Sends love and best wishes for Christmas to Bessie, Julian and Bob, whom she wishes 'safe back home soon again [from the East]'. Encloses some 'Dutch pence' for the mending of her chain; Julian should 'play with the little silver box' until she finds him a toy she likes. Sends love to the 'kind Röntgens'. In a postscript, urges Bessie to bring Julian 'for a little Christmas tree on the 30th'; Donald could take her back next morning, and perhaps go straight from hers to Aachen on the 2nd. Work is 'the only cure' for Donald; wishes he had practised his concerto.

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