Item 123 - Letter from Sophie Weisse to Elizabeth Trevelyan

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Letter from Sophie Weisse to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 24 Aug 1939 (Produção)

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93, High Street, Knaphill, Woking. - Dr Bluth and Dr de Souza, have made her 'responsible for Donald's welfare'; she knows that 'poor Lady Tovey' has never done him or John [Wellcome Tovey] 'anything but harm'. Dr de Souza has been 'most kind' and told her 'every detail of his illness and treatment'; Dr Bluth is still in the North at Newport, 'taking charge of a hospital', she has written to ask him to return by the end of the month and to Dr de Souza beginning him to keep Donald in hospital 'for at least another month' and guaranteeing the cost since she has to go to Nauheim if she is 'not to become an invalid' herself. Saw Donald last week; he 'ardently desired' a 'garden syringe to squirt water on the little people' in the garden below and a piano to play. TheX-ray shows the joints in his hands had 'not yet ankylosed' so there is 'hope of him playing and even recording' again. He must not return to Hedenham again, and she hopes 'to get him out of Royal Terrace in Edinburgh', which faces 'straight onto the seafogs at the mouth of the Firth of Forth'. Dr de Souza insists on Donald walking; she has often urged him to do so but Lady Tovey just 'murmurs "The motor is at the door" and D. obediently creeps in'.

Changes since she started writing the letter: they have given Donald a piano in the hospital; thinks there is 'nothing they would not do for him' and Dr Bluth tells her Dr de Souza 'delights in his witty and brilliant conversation'. Supposes that he will therefore stay there 'for three months or longer' and will be able to go to Nauheim without anxiety. Now worries about John: fears he has been 'completely idle at Cambridge', and Donald's 'delightful and kind nephew' Duncan says Lady Tovey gives him 'far too much money'; he is now 'idling at Hedenham'. Thanks Bessie very much for sending Dr Bluth to her; he has been 'both very clever and very kind'.

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