Pièce 161 - Letter from Thomas Sturge Moore to R. C. Trevelyan

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Letter from Thomas Sturge Moore to R. C. Trevelyan


  • 23 Dec 1906 (Production)

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Crom-a-boo, Heavitree, Exeter. - Congratulations on the 'safe arrival of Paul the first'; they only heard this morning as they left home on Thursday morning. Glad Bob's wife seemed to have 'suffered so comparatively little'. Paul weighed a little more than Dan did on his birth; they did not measure Dan. Has finished his comedy ["Two Ugly Men"?] and is very pleased with it. Dan is 'picking up nicely' since they got here. George is here and ;seems well & happy'. Has an article to write for the "[New] Quarterly" on all the new books on [William] Blake which he thinks he will do well; asks if Bob has seen [Frederick] Tatham's "Life" of Blake, edited with the Letters by A. G. B. Russell, which he likes more than anything else written about Blake. Would have put the story about Blake 'singing in bed just before his death' into his own ode "On Death" if he had known it before. Is also reading [John] Donne, but is 'rather disappointed with him'. Sends best Christmas and New Year's wishes.

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