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- 2 May 1915 (Production)
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1 folded sheet
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Alderley Park, Chelford, Cheshire.—His communications have been arriving at odd intervals. She will see him in London tomorrow, and has fixed to go to Boulogne on Monday week (10th). Suggests they come up together from Winston’s next Sunday and have a last talk. Has said nothing to her mother yet. Is miserable today, in spite of Birrell.
Alderley Park, Chelford, Cheshire
Sunday May 2nd 1915
My darling you must have thought it very strange of me never to send you any word, but the letters came very oddly.
I got nothing from you in the morning, then by the second post a very short letter with two enclosures, then at about 7.30 suddenly from nowhere your real long divine letter, which I hadnt time to read properly till after dinner, and of course in the meanwhile I’d got your telegram.
Tomorrow I see you, I might lunch with you if you were back, perhaps you’d telephone to me to Mansfield St. Boulogne, darling, is clinched, I go on Monday week {1}. Dont be {2} angry with me for settling this, I know it must seem to you to show lamentable lukewarmness, but it isnt that I want to post from things but that I do want to have a slight first hand experience of what the conditions are like not 60 miles away from a vast war.
It seems so unadventurous to go on just as one has done & will do without making an attempt to get any new sensation.
But after this I’ll promise (& it will be very easy to keep because I shall want to keep it) always to consult you in everything.
My dearest you have been an angel to me all this time, your patience & generosity to me have been wonderful.
I think we’ll come up from Winstons Sunday after dinner & have a last long glorious talk
I’ve not said anything to mother yet, I find it impossible to talk of my affairs.
I’ve loathed this Sunday, in spite of Birrell, & felt quite miserable. No one seems to be leaving till 1 so I cant lunch I suppose but I shall see you anytime after 6. I wish I could dine with you but I must get this infernal inoculation over.
I hope for a letter tomorrow.
I’ve such masses I want to talk to you about.
Goodbye darling.
Partly written in pencil (see below).
{1} 10th.
{2} The writing changes from pencil to ink here.
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Publication note
Partly printed in H. H. Asquith: Letters to Venetia Stanley, p. 581.