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- 16 Sept. 1868 (Vervaardig)
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Cambridge.—Sends birthday greetings. Has sent her a gift of some china. Is sorry to hear that Edie is unwell.
Cambridge Sep. 16
Dearest Mama
I have just come to the painful consciousness that today is Wednesday: I seem to have antedated all the days of this week and have been going about all day under the impression that it was Tuesday. Still I hope to be in time to wish you many and many happy returns of tomorrow, with all the health & prosperity that you deserve, which is saying a great deal. I brought a little bit of china from Dresden for you: I hope it has got to you safely and in time. I am very sorry to hear of poor little Edie: give her my best love and tell her to make haste and get better. Believe me always to be
Your most loving son
Letter-head of the Cambridge Union Society.