Stuk 46 - Letter from William Wyse to J. G. Frazer


referentie code

Add. MS c/61/46


Letter from William Wyse to J. G. Frazer


  • 24 Feb. 1929 (Vervaardig)



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c/o Miss Ellis, 51 Clarendon Avenue, Leamington Spa - Is surprised by his silence after his letter in September with his criticism of Frazer for proposing to publish his fellowship dissertation without adding an introduction acknowledging the work done by other scholars in the 50 years since writing it, thinks he ought not publish juvenilia and parerga; in the eighties and nineties was in much contact with the Cambridge Platonists, and points out the activity of the last 25 years, apart from the 'Big Three' of Britain: [Henry] Jackson, [John] Burnet, and A. E. Taylor, there is Lutosławski the Pole and Svoboda the Czecho-slovak, and many others in Germany, discusses the theories, hears from [Robert] Hicks that Taylor ignores Archer-Hind; given the massive changes in the field he felt obliged to write the letter, if he does not receive a reply to this one in a week, he will send a telegram; their new maid is hopeless; his sister Anne is very weak and ailing.

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      A typescript copy of this letter is housed as ADD.Ms.b.37/387.

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