Item 170 - Letter from Mary Sidgwick to Henry Sidgwick

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Add. MS c/101/170


Letter from Mary Sidgwick to Henry Sidgwick


  • 10 Feb [1866] (Produção)

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1 doc

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Reports that she has recovered from her cough, and gets out whenever the weather permits. States that Arthur is quite busy, since no new classical master has yet been appointed. Claims that she spends much time writing to friends whom she had neglected while she was ill. Refers to [J.R. Seeley's] Ecce Homo, which she found very interesting, as well as to Lady Duff Gordon's Letters from Egypt, which she found pleasant reading. Asks Henry to tell her of some other interesting book. Expresses the hope that she sees signs of her 'heretofore active, restless life merging into something more quiet and contemplative...after the wear and tear of half a century....' Remarks on the amount of letters that Henry has written to her in the past, and suggests that he may like to look over them as Arthur has done with the letters he has written.

Reports that William has bought a horse, and that Minnie tells her that Martin was quite ill 'from the effects of a bad drain at Harrow'. States that the news from Stone Gappe 'is more cheering': Henry's Uncle Lace has hired a piano for 'poor Elizabeth' at York, who is much better. Refers to a melancholy letter received from [Lucy] Brown, who has been suffering from intense headaches. Asks him to send her the January number of Macmillan's Magazine, as she wants to read an article on ' "Natural prayer" '. Hopes to see Henry at Easter.

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