Item 135 - Letter from Mary Sidgwick to Henry Sidgwick

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Add. MS c/101/135


Letter from Mary Sidgwick to Henry Sidgwick


  • 10 Apr 1876 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


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1 doc

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(d 1879)

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Declares that she is glad to hear that he is taking it easy 'in those few lovely days' which they had the previous week. Hopes that he [and Nora] can find something that she may give them as a wedding present, and asks if they want a dinner service or a D[ ] service, or if they would prefer something in silver. Asks if he received the watch and chain. Assures him that she 'heard not a word about any single person being "bored" on the 4th' [the Sidgwicks' wedding day], and that everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Reports that F. W. H. Myers wrote to her saying that he enjoyed the wedding very much, and also sent her his verses. Adds that the party with her, including Uncle William and Aunt Steph[anie? ] 'seemed very happy'. Declares Nora's dress and veil to be 'befitting an angel.' Promises to do her best to obtain a cook, and undertakes to make an impression of the Great Seal and to send it that night to [A. J.] Balfour. Asks whether his wife is to be known as 'Eleanor' or 'Nora'. States that she received a card from Minnie that morning, and that the latter is anxious to hear from Henry. Adds that she also saw A. Clark, who thinks she is better, and spoke highly of Henry.

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