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Add. MS c/95/200/2
Lists of, and notes on, French and German books
- n.d. (Produção)
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1 doc
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Mentions: Lehrbuch Der Deutschen Rechtsgeschichte by Schröder; Gewissenshaft Recht by Gierke [Das deutsche Genossenschaftsrecht ?]; Deutsche Städtverfassung by Von Maurer, Die Entstehung du Deutschen Stadtvarfassung" by Schulte, which was commended by Weiland; Der [ehemalige] Oberhof zu Lübeck... by Michelsen. Les Communes sous les Capetiens by Luchaire [ Les communes françaises à l'époque des Capétiens]; Les Établissements de Rouen by Giry; Le tiers État, apres la Charte de Beaumont by Bonvalot; La Charte de Louis et ses filiales by P[ron]. Note states that '[a]lmost all these references and many others can be found in Gross' notes to his chapter on the Affiliation of Medieval towns.'