Papers of Otto Frisch

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
9 Diary/notebook Item 1928
15 Diary/notebook Item c1945
19 Diary/notebook Item c 1945-c 1955
20 Diary/notebook Item 1947
22 Diary/notebook Item 1947–1953
23 Diary/notebook Item Apr.-June 1950
24 Diary/notebook Item 1953–1957
48 Correspondence '1939 to England' File Apr.-June 1939
50 Correspondence with members of Copenhagen Institute File 1939–1940
51 Press-cuttings re outbreak and progress of Second World War, U-235, etc. File 1939–1940
58 Correspondence re Frisch's naturalisation, and re his appointment as Temporary Senior Scientific Officer File 1943
59-60 Miscellaneous Los Alamos material File c 1943-c 1946
63 Miscellaneous correspondence File 1944–1945
66 Award of O.B.E. File 1946
67 Award of U.S. Medal of Freedom with Bronze Palm File 1947
71 Correspondence and reports re Fellowship Elections, Trinity College, Cambridge File 1949–1956
76 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence with Cambridge University re sabbatical leave, travel expenses, etc. File n.d.
79 Membership of societies and clubs File n.d.
88 Miscellaneous music correspondence File 1948-1977
99 Miscellaneous correspondence, souvenirs, etc. File n.d.
100 Memorabilia: money File n.d.
102 Miscellaneous passes, badges, admission cards and tickets File n.d.
107 Emil Frisch papers File 1913
111 Justinian and Auguste Frisch correspondence File 1904–1926
120 Justinian and Auguste Frisch correspondence File 1948–1953
121 Martha Tausk papers File 1926–1955
124 Robbie Tausk and Susi Porro-Tausk papers File 1965-1973
128 Frida Frischauer correspondence File 1970–1979
136 Lise Meitner miscellaneous papers File 1913–1915
137 Lise Meitner miscellaneous papers File 1916–1918