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- [19 May 1899] (Produção)
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1 item
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Begins mid-sentence stating that [his brother George's book "The Age of Wycliffe"] is 'a good piece of history', which shows up John of Gaunt as 'a sort of 14th century Taman[n]y ring boss'. Also recommends Rostand's "Les Romanesques", which he read recently and things is even better than "Cyrano". Cannot think of any more modern books for the moment; fears his list is 'chiefly composed of friends' and relations' books'; [Roger] Fry is also bringing out his book on Bellini soon, which is well worth getting. Asks Elizabeth to tell Mrs Grandmont that the Frys would like her to visit when she is in England; gives their address. He himself is getting a house near Dorking at Westcott, and will move in September, when he will be within a mile of the Frys; the house he is giving up at Haslemere is, though, very beautiful.
Supposes she has been back from Taormina a while; asks her to send some photographs, especially the ones of 'Mrs. Cacc. [Florence Cacciola Trevelyan] and the dogs' and himself in the loggia. The last few days of scirocco were 'a great bore', but he almost forgives it for preventing the trip up Monte Xerito as it 'made [them] those splendid waves among the rocks'; it also 'put [Elizabeth's] fiddle out of sorts' though, so he could not hear any more Bach suites. Heard Isaye [sic: Ysaÿe] play one yesterday, as well as the Mendelsohn concerto; he was in good form, and he will hear him again playing the Beethoven. Is having a musical week, as he has already seen Paderewski, for the first time, and will hear [Wagner's] "Tristram" tomorrow. 'Paddy was great fun, at all events to look at'; thinks he played a Chopin concerto better than the Beethoven. Spends most of his time at the British Museum library when he is in London; has found a translation of [Joost van den] Vondel there by a Dutch American; it is 'very conscientious and scholarly' but he does not think much of the blank verse; still, he can now go on where Elizabeth left off. Would like to know when Mrs G[randmont] is coming to England, and if Elizabeth is likely to be in London so he can 'make a display of [his] extensive and profound knowledge of Italian painting in the National Gallery'. Not sure whether he is going to Bayreuth yet; discusses times he could come to Holland.
Suggests older books she should read: Keats's letters, most of which are available in Sidney Colvin's edition though he advises getting Buxton Forman's four volume edition with the poetry; Butcher and Lang's translation of the "Odyssey"; Meinhold's "Sidonia the Sorceress" and "Amber Witch", translated by Lady Wilde and Lady Duff Gordon. Could lend her all of these books, as well as [Henry James's] "In a Cage" and his brother and father's books . Asks her to write with news and to say when would be best for him to come to Holland; he will write soon to the Grandmonts when he sends them [Thomas Sturge?] Moore's book. Thinks he remembers Elizabeth said she had never read Jane Austen; she should read them all, especially "Mansfield Park", "Pride and Prejudice" and "Emma". Breaks off mid -sentence: 'by advising to...': 9/71 forms the rest of the letter.
A portion of what seems to be a poem by Robert Trevelyan based on the "Mahabharata", with some explanatory notes, is found with this letter but not referred to in it
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Notas ao idioma e script
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Existência e localização de originais
Existência e localização de cópias
Unidades de descrição relacionadas
9/71 provides the beginning and conclusion of this letter.
Zona das notas
The middle section of letter 9/71.
Identificador(es) alternativo(s)
Pontos de acesso
Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
Pontos de acesso - Locais
Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Trevelyan, Elizabeth (1875-1957), musician (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1962), historian, public educator, and conservationist (Assunto)
- Rostand, Edmond Eugène Alexis (1868-1918) (Assunto)
- Fry, Roger Eliot (1866-1934), art historian, critic, and painter (Assunto)
- Hubrecht, Abrahamina Arnolda Louise Grandmont (1855-1913) painter, wife of Alphonse Grandmont (Assunto)
- Fry, Helen (1864-1937), artist (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Florence Trevelyan Cacciola (1852-1907) gardener and conservationist (Assunto)
- Ysaÿe, Eugène (1858-1931) violinist, composer and conductor. (Assunto)
- Paderewski, Ignacy Jan (1860-1941) Polish politician, pianist, and composer (Assunto)
- British Museum (Assunto)
- Vondel, Joost van den (1587-1679) poet, writer and playwright (Assunto)
- Keats, John (1795-1821) poet (Assunto)
- Colvin, Sir Sidney (1845-1927) Knight, art historian (Assunto)
- Forman, Maurice Buxton (c 1871-1957) literary editor (Assunto)
- Butcher, Samuel Henry (1850-1910), classical scholar (Assunto)
- Lang, Andrew (1844–1912), anthropologist (Assunto)
- Homer (fl 750 BC-700 BC) poet (Assunto)
- Meinhold, Johannes Wilhelm (1791-1851) priest and author (Assunto)
- Wilde, Jane Francesca Agnes (1821-1896) writer and Irish nationalist, pen name Speranza (Assunto)
- Gordon, Lucie Duff- (1821–1869) author and translator (Assunto)
- James, Henry (1843-1916), writer (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838–1928), 2nd Baronet, politician and author (Assunto)
- Grandmont, Alphonse Marie Antoine Joseph (1837-1909) diplomat and translator (Assunto)
- Moore, Thomas Sturge (1870-1944) writer and wood engraver (Assunto)
- Austen, Jane (1775-1817), novelist (Assunto)