Item 33 - Letter from Paul Hensel to Henry Sidgwick

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Add. MS c/94/33


Letter from Paul Hensel to Henry Sidgwick


  • 16 Aug [1894]? (Produção)

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Thanks Sidgwick for his 'kind letter'. Informs him that he stays with his parents in Berlin during the holidays. Excuses his 'more than usually bad English'. Refers to his pamphlet on ethics [Ethisches Wissen und ethisches Handeln: ein Beitrag zur Methodenlehre der ethik, 1899] which he had sent to Sidgwick, and also to several other German works on the subject, including Hoffding's Ethik, and Paulsen's [System der] Ethik . The former work is based on utilitarianism and evolutionism. Of the latter he says that 'it gives a very pleasant survey of all the manifold conflicting standing-points by which a poor XIX century mind is tramelled and is very fair specimen of our much enduring and highly cultured time.' Refers also to Heinthal's Ethik, only to observe that Sidgwick need not waste his time reading it. Recommends Kaler's Ethik des Utilitarismus. Refers to the criticisms made by Sidgwick of his pamphlet as 'perfectly just', but claims to 'know very well that Bentham's theory of "coincidence" is expressly stated only in the Deontology'. Claims to regard the Deontology as a '"canonical book"'. Discusses Bentham and his 'right to demand "a fair trial" for disinterested conduct.' Refers to a remark quoted from Windelband, which, he claims, does not state his [Hensel's] attitude towards Bentham, and also refers to his own 'polemical remarks on the utilitarian handling of "Sitte" and "Recht". Mentions Mill in relation to Bentham. Is surprised to see that Sidgwick has written an article on the latter, and expresses his desire to read it.

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