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Postcard from Jean Marchand to R. C. Trevelyan
- [1920s?] (Produção)
Nível de descrição
Dimensão e suporte
1 postcard with black and white photograph of the viaduct and quartier d'Aspres, Vence (Alpes-Maritime).
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Âmbito e conteúdo
Feels guilty towards Trevelyan: every day means to write to him and then puts it off. Is at Vence with Roger Fry at the moment: they often work together, and often talk of Trevelyan. Asks how [Francis] Birrell is. The weather is quite good; many flowers are growing and the croaking of the frogs in the evening is 'alarming'. Thinks he will definitely be in Paris when Trevelyan comes back from Italy and passes through, to have the pleasure of seeing him. Is not going to London this year. Sends regards to Mrs Trevelyan.
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Idioma do material
- francês