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Postcard from R. C. Trevelyan to Julian Trevelyan
- 29 Dec 1932 (Production)
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Étendue matérielle et support
1 item: Printed postcard showing black and white reproduction of the presentation of Jesus to Simeon, and the Death of the Virgin by B[eato: Fra] Angelico from the Chiesa del Gesù, Cortona.
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Portée et contenu
Cortona; addressed to Julian at 7 Villa Brune, Paris XIVᵉ, France. - Thanks Julian for his 'snake-in the-hen-run card'; sends this with New Year greetings from himself and [Umberto] Morra. Julian may remember 'the predella of the Cortona Fra Angelico' [shown on the postcard]. Is now going to the Tatti to stay with B.B. [Bernard Berenson], though he will be away for a few days.