Pièce 101 - Richard Jones to William Whewell

Zone d'identification


Add. MS c/52/101


Richard Jones to William Whewell


  • 17 July 1845 (Production)

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Étendue matérielle et support

4 pp.

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Histoire archivistique

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

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Portée et contenu

RJ wants to send WW some of his proofs - 'I expect to get 40 or 50 pages set up this week' [printing his lectures - see RJ to WW, 8 April 1845]. WW 'will see that although carefully avoiding controversy yet I am dwelling on elementary principles[.] I might state much more shortly if i had no secret reference to popular errors'. RJ is 'printing now however not for the world but fr a text book for the students only a kind of clean M.S.S. therefore and shall be able to take advantage when I do publish of any hints you may give me'. RJ is 'anxious about this same book of mine - yet I have a clear conviction that it will contain much truth fairly and legitimately got at and worked out and feel some confidence that it will make the next generation wiser if it does not this - I shall publish as soon as the production and distribution of wealth are compleated - as the distribution will include population and a digression on the incidence of taxes laid on articles consumed by the laborer which digression will be a deduction from the population part, why production and distribution will include 3 fourths of the whole work'. RJ will send WW 3 proof sheets next week.

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