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- 23 Apr. 1850 (Vervaardig)
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4 pp.
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RJ sends 'back the paper - I have a copy - I have no doubt it came to Cambridge from Brighton but it originated in London and the author is some eminent barrister I do not know who but I have little doubt he wrote the article in the Times I spoke of - there is sense in him but he is rather bear-pawed' [see RJ to WW, 17 April 1850]. RJ wrote a 'pretty strong though friendly remonstrance to the Bishop of London against his attempt to oust the Crown in council altogether of its jurisdiction by his Bill and I have a frank and kind letter of thanks to-day. He clearly had never taken that view of his project'. RJ does not know when he will next see WW: 'I am just now much plagued about a bill to be founded on our epis. and cap. revenues report'.