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- 20 Sept. 1852 (Vervaardig)
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4 pp.
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RJ wishes WW would burn his last letter [RJ to WW, 16 Sept. 1852]: 'No good could possibly come from bothering the Bishop of London in Ireland'. Nothing can be done till Parliament next meets. RJ's 'knowledge as to the consular courts relates to their judicial functions as between individuals[,] their contentious jurisdiction the lawyers call it I believe[,] which forms a curious episode in the history of modern European Tribunals and throws light on the progress of manners which has interested one much. I have never been able to get a sight of the book Grotius refers to and have met with no national law in my reading connected with their functions'. Leone Levi has just published a book 'on the Commercial Law of the World with an a priori account of national codes etc. They are more numerous than I expected but I get nothing from it as to international rights and remedies but I have not done searching it'.