Stuk 61 - Richard Jones to William Whewell


referentie code

Add. MS c/52/61


Richard Jones to William Whewell


  • [23 Mar. 1834?] (Vervaardig)



Omvang en medium

4 pp.


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Bereik en inhoud

16 Suffolk Street - The Statistical Society 'went off well - Hallam[,] Babbage, Drinkwater and myself are a committee - It was proposed not by me but by Hallam to ask you to be one of the Council (we count you see on your joining us) will you be a counsellor?' If RJ had been resident he would have signed the Cambridge petition if it could not be altered. However, he believes he could have altered it 'so as to bring in Smythe as I understand his objection and I half hope yourself. Why not have put forward prominantly a declaration that the Petitioners were determined to do or submit to nothing which should endanger or lessen the means or efficiency of the University in her appropriate and peculiar function of an instructress in the doctrines and discipline of the Church of England'. In this way leaving 'the whole question of what privileges should be given to and what withheld from dissenting graduates open'. RJ believes 'residents and nonresidents will have the question brought before them again and again and though I hope we could take separate sides without danger I confess I could not do it without sorrow'.

Waardering, vernietiging en slectie



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