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Add. MS c/94/66
Letter from Sir Henry Jones to Henry Sidgwick
- 5 Apr 1890 (Produção)
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1 doc
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Âmbito e conteúdo
Excuses himself for writing to Sidgwick; explains the delay that he had hesitated to write, and had asked advice on the matter, and decided on 'the more prudent course of seeking to tax [Sidgwick] unconquered.' Asks him to 'look thro' the enclosed circular' [not included]. Refers to Professor [ ], as 'one from whom [he has] learnt', and wonders whether HS is acquainted with him or his writings. Speaks of him in affectionate terms. Refers to the fact that Mr Mac[ ] has already sent a circular to Sidgwick, and to the latter's kindness to him [Jones] during his visit to Cambridge. Sends his regards to Mrs Sidgwick.