Stuk 7 - Typescripts and proofs of R. C. Trevelyan's "Translations from Greek Poetry"


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Typescripts and proofs of R. C. Trevelyan's "Translations from Greek Poetry"


  • 1949? (Vervaardig)



Omvang en medium

Handwritten contents lists, four pages.
Typescripts of translations: 20pp; 7 pp; 2 pp; 2 pp; 13 pp; 9 pp; 27 pp; 10pp; 6 pp (plus some duplicates)
c 15 pp of manuscript draft translations.
Galley proofs: 22 pp (plus duplicates)
Typescripts, typed on recto only with manuscript corrections, of translations from Homer: loose, 36 pp (two copies), 12 pp; fastened with butterfly clips, 31 pp (four copies), 4 pp (two copies), 14 pp (two copies), 20 pp (two copies).


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Upper case list of contents in Trevelyan's hand, made of several strips of paper joined together (one sheet, other sections with relevant portions of the translation)

Two lists of contents in Trevelyan's hand.

Typescripts of Trevelyan's translations, with many corrections and annotations in Trevelyan's hand, of: the "Homeric Hymn to Demeter"; "Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite"; "Homeric Hymn to Dionysus" (two copies); "Homeric Hymn to Pan" (two copies); fragments from lost tragedies by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides (one complete copy, plus four gatherings of parts of this section, one including a MS page with a translation of Sophocles 583; choruses from Aeschylus and Sophocles, with a note by Trevelyan explaining his use of metre (one complete copy, with some duplicates of parts); fragments from lost comedies by Eupolis, Phrynichus, Moschio, Menander, Alexis, Philemon, Apollodorus of Caristus, Philetairos, and two anonymous pieces (several copies and part copies); lyrics by Theognis, Alcman, Ibycus, Simonides, Pindar and Bacchylides, as well as the Swallow Song of Rhodes (several copies and part copies); epigrams from the "Greek Anthology" by Asklepiades, Nikias, Strato of Sardis, Plato, Addaeus, Lucianus, and two anonymous pieces, with upper case handwritten list of contents (several copies and part copies).

Galley proofs of: "Translations from Greek Poetry" (three copies, various numberings and contents).

Also includes typescripts of Trevelyan's translations of Homer, which were not included in the "Translations from Greek Poetry" [see letter from Stanley Unwin, 24/45]: loose sheets with a translation of "Iliad XIV" [two copies], along with an typed introduction by Trevelyan, both with handwritten corrections; gatherings fastened together with butterfly clips with translations of "Iliad XVIII" [four copies], "Iliad XXI. (526-611.)" [two copies], "Iliad XXII" [two copies], "Iliad XXIII". Also typescript of a translation of book 9 of the "Odyssey".

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