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- 3 Jan 1870 (Production)
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Writes regarding 'the conduct of Dissidents in [Nonconformist] Churches and of the Churches with regard to them.' Refers to the claim of 'M. [Benigeuer]' in relation to hereditary membership of churches, and, still concerning this issue, to the rule in the Society of Friends, to the '"Multitudinist principle"' and to '"Individualism"'. Holds that the Individualism of the [Nonconformist] Churches 'consists rather in a demand for individual "conversion" than for an individual confession of1806 faith.' Describes the ordeal to which candidates for fellowship were subjected to in the past, involving examination and public interrogation. Claims that the process 'has been much modified and softened' during the previous twenty or thirty years, and that all that is now required is 'an interview with the Minister whose enquiries will of course take shape in accordance with his own opinions and convictions.' Tells Sidgwick not to trouble to reply to his letter, and offers to furnish him with more information, should it be required.