Stuk 212 - William Whewell to Richard Jones


referentie code

Add. MS c/51/212


William Whewell to Richard Jones


  • 14 July 1839 (Vervaardig)



Omvang en medium

4 pp.


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Nuremburgh - WW believes it is as well that he did not consult RJ on his plans to go to Munich: 'your strong conviction of the grievous harm which inevitably arises from meddling with German metaphysicians might have shaken my purpose. I believe I go among them pretty well secured by a previous resolution not to adopt any of their fancies'. When he has time he will stop to work at his book ['The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, Founded upon their History', 2 vols., 1840]: 'The part that I am now revising alarms me severely by its abstract and almost mathematical aspect; and what is worse I can neither do without this part nor make it more truth it puts me out of heart about the reception of the book'. WW wishes RJ would write something on the education question: 'for Republic opinion is very strong, which their case, as it is usually stated, is not; and if you can find this in a very good and striking form for them', it will earn RJ the 'gratitude from good churchmen and good conservatives'. WW expects to be back for the Birmingham meeting of the BAAS in August.

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