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Papers of Henry Jackson
JACK* · Collection · 19th-20th c.

The Henry Jackson papers include notes for lectures, correspondence files and a scrapbook.

These papers form a series within the additional manuscripts and are catalogued as Add.MS.a.289-290, Add.Ms.b.75-76, Add.Ms.b.80-88, Add.Ms.c.24-47a, and Add.MS.d.73.

Jackson, Henry (1839-1921), classical scholar
Papers of Sir Andrew Huxley
HUXL · Fonds · 20th-21st c.

This very large archive contains correspondence, lecture notes, writings, diaries, publications, subject files, and slides relating to Huxley's work in physiology.

Huxley, Sir Andrew Fielding (1917-2012), knight, physiologist
HOUG · Fonds · [1736?]-1951

Houghton's archive includes: Cambridge papers, 1827-1830; a voluminous correspondence; literary papers; publications, 1834-1873; political papers, 1837-1880s; business and estate papers; papers relating to travels, 1828-1885, papers relating to clubs and societies; commonplace books, 1838-1865; press cuttings, 1801-1878; diaries of Annabella Hungerford Milnes, Lady Houghton, 1855-1872; papers of Houghton’ father Robert Pemberton Milnes and other members of his family.

Milnes, Richard Monckton (1809-1885), 1st Baron Houghton, author and politician
Papers of Sir Alan Hodgkin
HODG · Fonds · 1902-2000

This sizable archive contains the following materials. Biographical and autobiographical material 1914-2000, school and college papers 1919-1936, honours and awards 1936-1987, family correspondence and papers 1902-1977, personal correspondence 1937-1981, administrative papers relating to University and College 1938-1989, research notebooks 1934-1987, research files 1935-1991, publications 1838-1988, lectures and speeches 1950-1987, papers relating to visits and conferences 1961-1998, papers relating to societies and organisations 1938-1989, correspondence 1945-1990, photographic materials 1937-1972

Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd (1914-1998), knight, physiologist
Papers of R. A. Herman
HERM · Fonds · [c 1884]-1928

The papers primarily consist of mathematical notes on differential geometry, and are accompanied by a small group of printed pamphlets and correspondence.

Herman, Robert Alfred (1861-1927), mathematician
Papers of Henry Hallam
HALL* · Collection · 18th-19th c.

Hallam's papers in Trinity College Library include commonplace books; historical notes; journal of a trip to Italy, 1828; diaries 1799-1800; household accounts, 1812, 1845-1851.

This material forms a collection within the additional manuscripts series a, b, c and d, catalogued as Add.Ms.a.22-28, Add.Ms.b.18-21A, Add.Ms.c.17-20 and Add.Ms.d.13-52.

Hallam, Henry (1777-1859), historian
GREG · Fonds · 1893-1958

This collection includes correspondence—mainly letters to Greg from fellow-bibliographers and literary scholars—notes, photographs of books and manuscripts, cuttings, a few small printed items, and the manuscript of part of Some Aspects of London Publishing.

Greg, Sir Walter Wilson (1875-1959), knight, literary scholar and bibliographer
Papers of A. S. F. Gow
GOW · Fonds · 1887-1978

Personal material of A. S. F. Gow is catalogued under (A): this includes early biographical material he compiled for his nephew Sir Michael Gow, two photograph albums, and correspondence, particularly letters (1907-1920) from William Ridgeway. There is also a handwritten biography, perhaps by Gow, of Cyril Mowbray Wells with other material relating to Wells.

Academic papers, (B), include notes on classical texts, (?1928-1951) some for lectures given by Gow, and items found with the notes, as well as part of Gow's dissertation for a Fellowship at Trinity in 1911.

(C) comprises articles by Gow,"A Cambridge Seal Box of the Seventeenth Century" (1934); "Sir Stephen Gaselee, 1882-1943 - a memoir" (1944), with related material including correspondence, press clippings and so on. (E) consists of items removed from the printed books left by Gow to Trinity College Library (now catalogued under the shelfmark GOW), including correspondence, photographs, press clippings and reviews.

Material related to A. E. Housman (F) includes Gow's "A. E. Housman - a biographical sketch" (1936), along with related items such as corrections, reviews (1936-1938) and correspondence (1936-1963); a letter to J. W. Mackail by Housman, 25 Aug 1922, with a draft copy of his "Last Poems" and comments on it, and portrait sketches of Housman, some inscribed to him by William Rothenstein. There are also newspaper reviews of Housman's inaugural lecture as Professor of Latin at University College (1892, published in 1937) and of his edition of Manilius (1938). Items relating to Housman removed from printed books left by Gow to the Library also fall under this class; several of these are letters from the authors of books on Housman to Gow, such as Laurence Housman, Percy Withers, John Carter and Henry Maas.

Items related to academic societies and institutions fall under the (G) class: reports by the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies (1899-1904) and the British School at Rome (1904-1919); accounts of excavations in Cyprus from the Journal of Hellenic Studies (1887-1891).

Finally, there are six bound volumes with Gow's bookplate (H) containing transcripts of Housman's lectures. Five are typescript: three transcripts of Housman's notes now in Cambridge University Library, "The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism" (containing note of thanks to Gow from 'B[ertram] G[oulding] B[rown]), "Ovid, Heroides I-IV" and "Ovid, Heroides VI-XII" (with additional MS notes by Gow); "Horace, Odes I-III" (transcript of notes taken at Housman's lectures by S. L. Franklyn in 1932, corrections from Housman's lecture notes by B. Goulding Brown 1940-1941); "Plautus, Captivi" (transcript of Housman's notes lent to assessors in the Classical Tripos part II, 1932). The last volume contains MS lecture notes by Gow on Housman's "The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism" (1292), "Notes on Martial", and an index; loose inside, a printed sheet of extracts from Manilius', with M. S. additions in pencil, and M.S. notes by Housman.

Gow, Andrew Sydenham Farrar (1886-1978), classical scholar
GOOD · Fonds · 1831-1848

Letters of Alexander Chisholm Gooden to his parents and close friends with some from his teachers/tutors to his parents with some letters of condolence after his death.

Gooden, Alexander Chisholm (1818-1841), classical scholar
Papers of J. P. W. Gaskell
GASK · Fonds · 1959-1997

The papers relate mostly to his writings, notably A New Introduction to Bibliography and From Writer to Reader, though his shorter writings and bibliography are also represented, as are his photographs, including those exhibited in the Wren Library as part of the "Figures" exhibition with David Inshaw.

Gaskell, John Philip Wellesley (1926–2001), bibliographer and librarian
Papers of Otto Frisch
FRSH · Fonds · 1899-1981

The papers consist of correspondence, research notes, writings, documents, publications, photographs, glass slides, films, and audiotapes documenting all stages of Otto Robert Frisch's life, and include Frisch's collection of the papers of his aunt, the physicist Lise Meitner. The 70 boxes of material are organised into seven series: Biographical and personal papers; Scientific research; Lectures and publications; Radio, television, films; Visits and conferences; Correspondence; and Non-print material.

Series A, Biographical and personal papers, is particularly full, incorporating material relating not only to Frisch's own career and interests including music (A.86-90) and sketching (A.84, 233-249), but also to Frisch’s extended family. These have historical interest as an example of the diaspora of the Thirties, and in the case of Lise Meitner a more specific scientific interest complementing other material deposited elsewhere. Lise Meitner's papers appear primarily in this series (A.134-211), and consist of correspondence, most of which is with Frisch and her younger brother Walter, as well as drafts of lectures, photographs, and miscellaneous papers. Several of her letters appear elsewhere in the collection (C.55, D.55, and F.15) and she is the subject of letters and articles throughout. Series F contains photocopies of letters written to her from Otto Hahn in December 1938 (F.52) and Series G includes photographs of her as well as an undated audiotape of a conversation between Frisch and Meitner (G.31).

Series B, Scientific research, includes notebooks, laboratory notes and calculations, publication drafts and correspondence. It presents a full record for the periods of work at Hamburg and Copenhagen, but the wartime work on the atomic bomb project is under-represented due to the security restrictions placed on the work. B.209-220 are documents relating to nuclear fission in the first half of 1939: correspondence between Frisch in Copenhagen and his aunt Lise Meitner in Sweden, correspondence between Frisch and Niels Bohr at Princeton, two drafts of Bohr's paper on the disintegration of heavy nuclei and correspondence between Frisch and Nature. The series also contains Frisch’s original eyewitness account of the Trinity Test (B.135), and a letter from Louis, identified as Louis Slotin by Sir Rudolf Peierls, written a month before Slotin's fatal accident (B.136A). Also present is an item added later by the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre which provided the original cataloguing of the collection, a photocopy of the official report on Frisch's work at Los Alamos drawn up in August 1946 (A.58A). For the later period, the paucity of material relating to the Cavendish Laboratory reflects Frisch's lack of interest in administrative and committee work and his preference for relatively small-scale experimental projects such as his scanning device, and the various constructions and gadgets which he continued to devise for his Laser Scan company to the end of his life.

Series C, Lectures and publications, and D, Radio, television, films illustrate Frisch's expository skills in the written and the spoken word; he was greatly in demand as a lecturer, and the broadcasting services made regular calls on his multi-lingual gifts. There are drafts, correspondence, and printed material related to Frisch's lectures and publications, and drafts of scripts, correspondence, contracts and receipts related to Frisch's work in radio, television, and film.

Series E, Visits and conferences, varies in content from brief notices or programmes to substantial folders including correspondence on scientific matters, arrangements for lectures, publications, and travel, as well as visits to friends. It should be noted that many of the important meetings of the Thirties were held at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at Copenhagen where he worked. E.64-76 contains material relating to the commemoration meeting for Bohr held at Copenhagen in 1963. The material in Section G, Non-print materials, provides a supplementary photographic record of meetings and conferences.

The correspondence in Series F dates mainly postdates 1947 and Frisch's establishment in Cambridge. Very little survives for 1943-1947 due to security restrictions at Los Alamos. Incoming scientific correspondence for the earlier period 1930-1943 is less well documented and was usually kept by Frisch with relevant research notes. Incoming personal letters for those years appear mainly in the 'Family correspondence and papers' in Series A. During the Thirties, Frisch kept copies of his outgoing letters in chronological folders where correspondence of all kinds and in several languages is juxtaposed. In a letter to Margaret Hope of 14 September 1936, Frisch explains 'I like to keep a duplicate of all my letters, it is like a diary for me'. This material remains in its original order, at B.39-42, B.73-81.

Series G, Non-print material, consists of photographs, film, glass plate slides, photographic slides, and audiotapes. The photographs include those by his aunt and noted photographer Lotte Meitner-Graf (G.10, 12, 18). The film includes those taken at Copenhagen and the Bohr’s holiday home Tisvilde in 1937 (G.21), and at post-war conferences (G.22). The glass plate slides were created to accompany lectures (G.23-28). There is also an audio recording of an undated conversation between Lise Meitner and Frisch (G.31).

Frisch was fluent in German, Danish, and English, and read other languages, and so the collection is multi-lingual as well. He continued to use Danish and German for lectures, speeches or correspondence to the end of his life; English became his language of choice for writing. Another feature of the collection is evidence of Frisch’s gift for sketching, particularly of caricatures of colleagues; there are some specific samples of his drawings, but others are scattered throughout the collection, on letters, conference programmes, and menus. Shortly before his death in 1979 Frisch published his autobiography What little I remember (Cambridge University Press), giving an informal account of his life mainly up to 1947. This has been drawn upon as a basis for dating material, and catalogue entries cite references in the book. The memoir by R.E. Peierls for the Royal Society of London, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society (27, 1981) has been drawn upon and referred to in the catalogue as well.

Frisch, Otto Robert (1904-1979), physicist
Papers of Sir James Frazer
FRAZ · Fonds · 1745-1941

The papers consist of correspondence, writings, notebooks, diaries, music manuscripts, printed material, and photographs which document the life and work of social anthropologist and classical scholar Sir James George Frazer, and to a lesser extent that of his wife, the writer and translator Lilly Frazer (known after June 1914 as Lady Frazer), who acted as his manager and press agent. The collection spans the years 1872-1941, but the bulk of the material dates from the 1920s and 1930s.

Research strengths include Frazer’s writings in the 1920s and 1930s, social anthropology, folklore, classical scholarship, British and French publishing history, and Trinity College academic and social life. The bulk of the collection dates from the last two decades of his life, and therefore contains material from a time well after his reputation was established. While there are letters from people with anthropological data, the collection does not include the vast amount of data and answers to his anthropological questionnaires that he presumably possessed when compiling the first edition of 'The Golden Bough'. Very often letters with anthropological data are in the form of fan letters, whose writers wish to correct or add to information in one of his books.

The papers are arranged in small and repeated groupings, with alphabetical runs of letters followed by writings and printed material, returning to more alphabetical runs of letters featuring many of the same correspondents as the previous runs, more writings, and research materials, and on. The searching abilities of the database will be useful to find all materials by a person or on a subject.

The correspondence is almost entirely incoming, with just 29 original letters from James Frazer (in FRAZ/1) and 15 typed copies of his letters (in FRAZ/1-4, 16, 25 and 29) and twelve original letters, a draft and four typed copies by Lilly Frazer (in FRAZ/1, 3, 17, 31 and 33) in a collection of over 2300 letters evenly divided between the two. In addition to runs of alphabetically arranged letters, there are also groups of letters on specific topics featuring many of the same correspondents. Letters may also be found with writings and research notes elsewhere in the collection.

The correspondence spans the years 1872-1941, however, the earliest dated letter to or from James or Lilly is dated January 1888. There are a limited number of letters from this early period. Many letters addressed to Lilly concern business related to James’ works, and some letters written in the late 1930s are addressed to her to be read aloud to him due to his increasing blindness.

Anthropologists appearing in the collection include L. C. G. Clarke, Edward Clodd, A. C. Haddon, J. H. Hutton, Lucien Lévy-Bruhl, Bronisław Malinowski, R. R. Marett, John Roscoe, and Sir Grafton Elliot Smith. There are only three letters from Sir Walter Baldwin Spencer, but 16 from his daughter Dorothy Young. Classical scholars in the collection include A. B. Cook, F. M. Cornford, A. E. Housman, J. P. Postgate, Sir William Ridgeway, and H. J. Rose. Principal editors and publishers in the collection include James Loeb, George Macmillan, T. E. Page, and W. H. D. Rouse. Other principal correspondents are David Lindsay, the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres; and Sir Joseph Thomson and his wife Rose Thomson. Many of Lilly's correspondents write to her in her native French. Her principal correspondents include François Ceccaldi (many of them written from his native Corsica), Noémi Psichari, the daughter of Ernest Renan; translator Pierre Sayn, and James’ friend W. J. Lewis.

Writings by Sir James Frazer comprise 21 boxes, with additional writings to be found in the notebooks in FRAZ/35. The work represented by the most amount of material in the collection is Frazer’s edition of Ovid’s 'Fasti', published by Macmillan in 1929, and by Loeb in 1931. The papers do not include notes for the preparation of the original 'Golden Bough' nor do they include the manuscript. There are, however, three notebooks containing notes relating to the second and third editions (FRAZ/35/9-11). Frazer’s own copies of the different editions of 'The Golden Bough' are housed separately in the printed books Adversaria collection and carry numerous annotations.

Printed material consists of press cuttings, pamphlets, offprints, and small books. An album of cuttings of reviews of the first edition of 'The Golden Bough' may be found at FRAZ/22/4. Ten small books and pamphlets have also been catalogued into the Trinity Library printed materials catalogue but remain housed with the papers. The music manuscripts are housed in FRAZ/8 and consist of scores composed by Stuart Young setting Sir James’ poems to music. Margaret Rose’s operetta libretto based on Lady Frazer’s story 'The Singing Wood' was similarly set to music (the libretto at FRAZ/32/266 and the score FRAZ/8/1/5).

The travel diaries and many of the notebooks were previously housed on Trinity College Library shelves with printed books and have been reunited with the collection, along with 13 volumes and a small number of loose notes returned from the Haddon Library of Archaeology and Anthropology. The photographs in the collection include 16 photographic prints of sites in Greece possibly taken by Sidney George Owen, two of them dated June 1906 (FRAZ/21/67-82).

Frazer, Sir James George (1854-1941), knight, social anthropologist and classical scholar
Papers of Frederick Field
FIEL · Fonds · c. 1819-c. 1885

The papers consist primarily of writings and notes, with a few printed items and letters documenting Frederick Field's studies at Cambridge as a student in the 1820s and his later work as a biblical scholar. The student notes include essays and notebooks on various subjects, including the Greek dramatic poets, mechanics, and a 'Syllabus of Newton'. Later work includes extensive notes on the books of the Bible in notebooks and in folded fascicles, notes on Chrysostom's Homilies, holograph manuscripts of his 'Origenis Hexaplorum quae supersunt' and 'Otium Norvicensi' part 3, which is also represented by printed sheets with manuscript annotations. Amongst the many other miscellaneous items are indexing slips and a notebook containing a list of subscribers to a unidentified volume.

Field, Frederick (1801-1885), patristics scholar
EPST · Fonds · 1937-2015

These papers consist of material from throughout Sir Anthony's scientific career. They include personal materials, professional diaries, laboratory research notebooks and electron micrograph images, working papers and professional correspondence, documents and illustrations related to publications and presentations, and paper reprints.

Series A: Personal Material contains personal materials belonging to Sir Anthony. These items include personal photographs, gifts and mementos, newspaper cuttings, taped lectures and interviews, professional and academic certificates, and other items commemorating the honours Sir Anthony received throughout this career.

Series B: Professional Diaries, Address Book, and Shorthand Notebooks contains Sir Anthony's professional appointment diaries at the Bland-Sutton Institute at the Middlesex Hospital, the Department of Pathology at the University of Bristol, the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine at the University of Oxford, and Wolfson College, Oxford. Sub-series B/5 is a collection of shorthand notebooks from 1981–1987.

Series C: Laboratory Research Notebooks and Photographic Material contains Sir Anthony and his collaborators' laboratory notebooks, along with images of experiments. The notebooks detail a number of techniques for growing malignant cells, isolating the Epstein-Barr virus, and imaging experimental samples. Sub-series C/2 contains three notebooks belonging to Dr Bert G. Achong. Achong co-discovered the Epstein-Barr virus alongside Sir Anthony and Dr Yvonne Balding (née Barr) using electron microscopy imaging techniques. Sub-series C/7 contains photographs and negatives of experiments.

Series D: Working Papers and Correspondence contains papers, correspondence, and notes from Sir Anthony's lectures, meetings, conferences, and travels, as well as a range of files relating to Sir Anthony's professional life. It provides a broad as well as in-depth picture of Sir Anthony's working life. Main aspects dealt with include: historical significance of the Epstein-Barr virus, advisory and consultation work, the wide spectrum of research work, general correspondence, personal matters, publications and broadcasting, and professional and academic societies and organizations. More detailed summaries about the papers are available in each sub-series description. Types of papers include correspondence, reports, and discussion, working, and meeting papers.

Series E: Publications and Papers Presented contains materials related to publications and presentations developed from Sir Anthony's research. These include theses and publications by Sir Anthony and researchers in his laboratories, review papers, book contributions, and illustrations for publications and presentations.

Series F: Reprints and Journal References contains a range of material related to reprints of Sir Anthony's journal publications. In the sciences, reprints (or offprints) are often kept by authors for distribution to collaborators and peers. Sir Anthony kept a numbered file of reprints, in order of publication. These collected reprints are contained in this series, as well as reprint request slips, and a list of reprint recipients. Sub-series F/5 is an index of papers references by Sir Anthony in his publications.

Epstein, Sir Michael Anthony (1921-2024), knight, pathologist
EDDN · Fonds · 1897-1982
Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley (1882-1944), knight, theoretical physicist and astrophysicist
Papers of J. D. Duff
DUFF · Fonds · 1888-1940

The majority of this archive consists of letters by Duff to members of his family, viz.: (A): to his wife Laura, 45 letters, 1897-1909; (B): to his son Alan, 356 letters, 1909-1933; (C): to his son Patrick, 96 letters, 1909-1934; (D): to his son James, 4 letters, 1909-1916; (E): to his daughter Hester, 8 letters, 1933-1934; (F): to his daughter Mary, 1 letter, 1911.

There are also 68 letters (G) from Laura Duff to her son Alan, 1915-1940, and three (H) to her husband J.D. Duff, relating to their son James's entrance examinations for Wellington College in 1910. J, K and L are letters written by their sons: 3 letters and a postcard from Alan Duff to his mother, 1909-1920 (J), a letter from James Duff to Alan Duff, 1911 (K), and a letter from Patrick Duff to J. F. Duff, relating to J. F. Duff winning a scholarship to Trinity in 1916 (L).

The final group of letters (M) are by various authors: one from J. D. Duff to Diana Frances Crawley, future wife of his son Alan, on the death of her father, 1933; letters to A. C. Duff from W. G. Collett (1911) and R. Moore (1913) at Wellington College; letter to J. D. Duff from G. M. Trevelyan, 1934 about Edward Fitzgerald's letters; letter to Laura Duff from the Postmaster at Cambridge, 1923, relating to a telegram from Cairo.

Miscellaneous material (N) comprises: copy of the marriage certificate of James Duff Duff and Laura Lenox-Coningham, 1895; page torn from a notebook with short phrase in Ancient Greek; memoir, "Lemnos" of an army camp, probably by A. C. Duff, with envelope addressed to J. D. Duff.

Finally there are twenty eight of J. D. Duff's pocket diaries (usually by Lett's) dating from 1888-1912, 1915-1918, 1922-1926, and 1931-1934; the earliest are kept as appointment books, with brief notes of college and social occasions, but Duff's entries later expand to be fuller records of his days, typically recording weather, reading material, pastimes and family news. A notebook with A. C. Duff's name and address at the front contains 'Extracts from F[ather's] Diary'.

Duff, James Duff (1860-1940), classicist
Papers of Maurice Dobb
DOBB · Fonds · 1900-1983

Personal and family papers 1900-1981; correspondence 1919-1976; manuscripts of publications [1920]-78; lectures c 1919-76; collected publications of others c 1930-1976; material relating to the Communist Party of Great Britain 1922-1976.

Dobb, Maurice Herbert (1900-1976), economist
Papers of Harold Davenport
DAVT · Fonds · 1911-86

The papers consist of correspondence, school notebooks, research notes and drafts, diaries, photographs, and publications documenting most aspects of Davenport's life and work. His contributions to his subject as student, teacher, writer and researcher, are well documented and the collection as a whole is of pedagogical interest. Less fully represented are his extensive travels for visits and conferences (which can sometimes only be deduced from a jotted heading on a lecture script) and his work for the London Mathematical Society.

The 60 boxes of material are organised into seven series: Biographical and personal papers, School and university notebooks and lecture notes, Lectures and addresses, Publications, Research notes and drafts, Faculty of Mathematics, Cambridge and Correspondence.

Series A, Biographical and personal papers, includes Davenport's unpublished reminiscences and reflections on his life's work, written shortly before his death with the assistance of his wife and his colleague D. J. Lewis (A.8-10). Other documentation on his career includes, unusually, his examination scripts and marks awarded at Manchester University in 1927 preserved by his principal tutor, L. J. Mordell (A.30-31).

Series B, School and university notebooks and lecture notes, is a record of mathematical teaching at Manchester 1924-1927 (B.23-54) and Cambridge 1927-1932 (B.55-92), by means of Davenport's notes, carefully taken and preserved, of lecture courses, class work and exercises.

Series C, Lectures and addresses, is a substantial section representing Davenport's own contribution to the teaching of mathematics from the 1930s as a Research Fellow in Cambridge through his various university appointments and lectures abroad, including the lectures at Michigan, later published in book form (C.115-124). Several of these contain sets of problems and solutions, and some examination material. On a less technical note is the address given in 1947 at Accrington Grammar School, Davenport's old school (C.131). A new generation in the filiation of mathematics is represented by the notes on Davenport's lectures at London in 1946 made by C. A. Rogers, his research student, collaborator and eventual successor as Astor Professor (C.167).

Series D, Publications, includes drafts, sometimes accompanied by correspondence with collaborators (see especially D.110-120) or publishers, for Davenport's many papers. These have been linked wherever possible to the numbered list in the Bibliography appended to the Royal Society Memoir by C. A. Rogers and others (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 17, 1971). In addition, there is considerable material relating to work not listed in the official bibliography: this includes Davenport's books, The higher arithmetic (D.89-92) and Multiplicative number theory (D.170-182), book reviews (D.208), unpublished work (D.201-203) and a posthumous publication (D.207).

Series E, Research notes and drafts, contains a variety of material: paginated narrative sequences perhaps intended for lectures or papers, notes and calculations often on problems arising from work by others, and miscellaneous shorter unidentified notes. There is in consequence some potential overlap with other series, notably C and D. Of interest is the collaborative work with Helmut Hasse arising from Davenport's period in Marburg (E.1-15). Davenport's notes of lectures and talks by others (E.103-126) include mathematicians of an older generation (K. Mahler, L. J. Mordell, C. L. Siegel), friends and contemporaries (P. Erdös, H. A. Heilbronn), and pupils and successors (B. J. Birch, J. W. S. Cassels, C. A. Rogers, K. F. Roth). Another link in the pedagogic chain is J. E. Littlewood's extended list of 'Research Problems' and Davenport's 'Comments' (E.131)

Series F, Faculty of Mathematics, Cambridge, is small but includes a little material on research, examinations and the newly-created Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.

In Series G, Correspondence, Davenport's links as student, teacher and collaborator with several generations can be traced. Early correspondence with E. A. Milne (G.206) and L. J. Mordell (G.208) feature their recognition and fostering of Davenport's talent, and that with E. Bombieri (G.28-39), D. J. Lewis (G.175-184) and C. A. Rogers (G.268-278), among many others, indicate his continuing contributions. Special mention must be made of Davenport's close connection with German mathematicians, several of whom he met during his early visits to Marburg and elsewhere and whom he helped and encouraged when they were forced to emigrate: see his correspondence with H. A. Heilbronn (G.123-142), H. Kober (G.165), K. Mahler (G.194-201), and R. Rado (G.257). There is also correspondence with H. Hasse (G.116-122), who remained in Germany. Davenport's command of the language is evident both in the correspondence and in the drafts for lectures and papers elsewhere in the collection.

Davenport, Harold (1907-1969), mathematician
Cullum Collection
Cullum MS · Collection · 15th-20th c.

George Gery Milner-Gibson-Cullum's collection of autographs. The correspondence of Cullum's parents with notable contemporaries provided the core of the collection, but he amassed autographs from far beyond this sphere. The collection includes many examples from the royal and noble houses of Europe, of European politicians and Presidents of the USA, of Popes and senior members of the Church and of actors, authors, writers and composers.

Cullum, George Gery Milner-Gibson- (1857-1921), antiquary
Crewe Manuscripts
Crewe MS · Collection · 16th-20th c.

The collection includes manuscripts in various European languages, dating from the sixteenth century to the twentieth. Most of them are, broadly speaking, of a literary, historical, or religious nature, but it is not easy to summarise the range of subjects they cover. They include, for instance, from the seventeenth century, notarial instruments in French relating to Charlotte de Beaune, an English translation of Den Spegel der Gherechticheit by Hendrik Niclaes of the so-called ‘Family of Love’, and a collection of English court poetry; from the eighteenth, papers on British trade, literary copyright, notorious criminals, and the French revolution; and from the nineteenth, a collection of papers and prints relating to the history of ballooning, items collected by Richard Burton on his travels, and a series of volumes recording the transactions of the Philobiblon Society.

Milnes, Richard Monckton (1809-1885), 1st Baron Houghton, author and politician
Papers of F. M. Cornford
CORN · Fonds · 1877-1987

The collection contains early publications, 1898-1918; notebooks and sketchbooks, 1899-[1930]; correspondence, 1877-1921; Memorials/obituaries, 1843 and papers relating to Bertrand Russell and Trinity, 1919-1986. The collection also contains papers relating to John Cornford.

Cornford, Francis Macdonald (1874-1943), classical scholar
Papers of W. K. Clifford
CLIF · Fonds · 1860s-1970s

The collection includes letters written by Clifford to friends and relatives, notebooks kept by him, and various items relating to his lectures and writings, including manuscript drafts, proofs, printed syllabuses, and pamphlets. There are also some photographs. The items added after Clifford’s death include correspondence about him, obituaries, reviews of posthumous publications, and papers relating to the public testimonial organised in his name.

Clifford, William Kingdon (1845-1879), mathematician and philosopher of science
Papers of W. G. Clark
CLAR* · Collection · 19th-20th c.

This small collection contains: MS volumes with notes on classical subjects, particularly Aristophanes, and historical subjects; the beginning of a work on travels in Africa, and a journal of a visit to Mount Athos; a library catalogue; a manuscript book of verses.

This material forms a series within the additional manuscripts series b, c, and d and are catalogued as Add.MS.b.5, Add.MS.c.1, Add.MS.c.8-12, and Add.MS.d.4-8

Clark, William George (1821-1878), literary and classical scholar
Papers of Erskine Childers
CHIL · Fonds · 1880-1922

The papers consist of correspondence, printed material, writings, personal papers, and photographs documenting the English life of Erskine Childers. The correspondence includes incoming letters to Erskine and to Molly Childers, copies of letters sent by Erskine, and a large number of letters written to others from others.

There are over 75 letters from Erskine to Molly dated 1903-1913; Erskine's other principal correspondents include Ian Hamilton, Field Marshal Frederick Roberts, and Basil Williams. Molly's principal correspondents include Benoît-Constant Coquelin, Kate Courtney, and John Singer Sargent. The collection includes letters from a variety of other correspondents, among them Edward Arnold, Julian Corbett, Arthur Conan Doyle, Henry James, William James, Lord Kitchener, J. Ellis McTaggart, Walter Runciman, George Bernard Shaw (to Emily Ford), and G. M. Trevelyan.

Printed material includes cuttings of reviews for 'The H.A.C. in South Africa', 'The Times History of the war in South Africa', 'War and the Arme Blanche', 'The Riddle of the Sands', and 'The German Influence on British Cavalry'; cuttings of articles on cruising printed in 'The Times' from 1907-1913; as well as two issues of 'Poblacht na hÉireann' from 21, 23 October, 1922.

The collection also includes a holograph poem apiece by Bronson Alcott and William Ellery Channing, photographs of Benoît-Constant Coquelin, and a signed photograph of Sarah Bernhardt.

Childers, Robert Erskine (1870-1922), author and politician
BUTJ · Fonds · c. 1800-1975

The collection is comprised of letters, writings, documents, printed material, and photographs relating to Sir James Butler's life and work, as well as a considerable amount of papers belonging to members of his family, particularly his father Henry Montagu Butler, who served as Master of Trinity from 1886 to 1918. H. M. Butler's papers include a large group of correspondence, writings, appointment diaries, travel journals, and photographs. There are also significant groups of papers relating to Sir James's grandfather George Butler, headmaster of Harrow, and Sir James's brother Gordon, who died in World War I, and smaller groups of papers relating to his mother Agnata Butler and his brother Sir Nevile Butler.

Butler, Sir James Ramsay Montagu (1889-1975), knight, historian
Papers of Robert Burn
BURN · Fonds · 1862-1901

The majority of the papers in this collection are flysheets (A) dealing with issues debated before the Senate, and as such form a valuable insight into subjects and opinions considered important in late nineteenth century Cambridge. Many of these, such as the accounts of various graces on compulsory Greek or reforms to the Classical Tripos, are concerned with Burn's personal academic preoccupations, but it is a measure of his versatility and dedication to the University as a whole that this collection also contains papers written by him on such questions as the plausibility of introducing degrees in Science and the necessity of widening the Cam to facilitate rowing. Also included are papers on matters of national importance, such as the University Tests Bill and the Oxford Declaration, both of which caused heated debate in the Senate and were of particular interest to Burn as a clergyman.

Another interesting feature of this collection is that the authors of many of the flysheets to be found within it are such important University figures of the last century. Jebb, Jackson and Sidgwick, amongst many others, were concerned with fighting their corner on various issues that came before the Senate, and it is through their opinions that it is possible to glimpse the origins of many events and practices (the building of the New Museums or the establishment of the Historical Tripos, to name just two) that became a reality.

The remainder of this collection consists of mark books (B) for the Classical Tripos 1862, when Burn was an examiner, and miscellaneous items (C) preserved along with the collection. The mark books are of particular importance for those interested in the history of Classics at Cambridge, as well as in its main figures: Jebb, for example, is described in a note by Burn as being better at historical prose than philosophical. Amongst the miscellanea are also items which betray the interests of Burn, but also have a much wider appeal, such as architectural plans of excavations at Rome, and accounts of lectures on Roman Art given at Rugby School.

See the attached finding aid for a more detailed description.

Burn, Robert (1829-1904), classical scholar and archaeologist
BROD II · Fonds · 20th c.

Papers relating to psychical research and other occult subjects, the Perrott Fellowship, the Arthur Stanley Eddington Memorial Lecture, and the Swedish language, with group photographs relating to Dulwich College.

Broad, Charlie Dunbar (1887-1971), philosopher
BROD · Fonds · 1903-71

Although there is some useful autobiographical material including diaries and family correspondence among the papers, the bulk of the material relates to Broad's working life. The detailed faculty lectures, many of which were later published, are preserved as are other lectures that Broad gave from time to time. Notes of the works of others are also among the papers, with Broad's comments, but little of Broad's own notes in preparation for his lectures and publications survive. There are also eight undated notebooks on subjects related to psychical research. Additionally, there are a few classical papers of Arthur Verrall, which Broad was presumably given due to the SPR connection with the family and some papers of John Chadwick on mathematical and philosophical subjects

Broad, Charlie Dunbar (1887-1971), philosopher
BRIG · Fonds · c. 1830-84

The papers consist of over 2000 letters written to Henry Arthur Bright from friends, colleagues, and family members arranged in alphabetical order. Principal correspondents include Robert Brook Aspland, William Robert Brownlow, William Henry Channing, Lord Charlemont, William George Clark, Sir Reginald John Cust, Charles Milnes Gaskell, Lord Houghton (130 letters), Charles Eliot Norton, and Spencer Perceval (b 1828). There are also letters from Hungerford Crewe, and the Hawthorne family, but not Nathaniel himself: Nathaniel Hawthorne's wife Sophia, and children Una and Julian. Letters to Bright's family consist mainly of photocopies.

The last box contains a few miscellaneous items: notes, an essay on ''The Characteristic Difference between Ancient and Modern Civilization' which was awarded the English prize at Trinity College, and a bound volume containing proofs of Lord Houghton's 'Notes on "Endymion"' and Houghton's introduction to the works of Walter Savage Landor in Thomas Humphry Ward's 'The English Poets 1880-1918, Vol. IV, The Nineteenth Centry: Wordsworth to Rossetti', accompanied by a letter and a note from Lord Houghton.

Bright, Henry Arthur (1830-1884), author and merchant
BENS · Fonds · 1827-20th c.

The archive contains diaries 1850-1896, school and university notebooks, later notebooks on religious matters, official papers 1853-1873, correspondence, copy correspondence [1899] and various other miscellaneous items.

Benson, Edward White (1829-1896), Archbishop of Canterbury