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- 3 Jan. [1899] (Vervaardig)
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Grand Hôtel des Bergues, Genève
3. Jan 1898.
Dear Mrs. Eddington,
I sent you just one bit of my ideas abt. Stanley as soon as he left us. The rest must follow now.
His presence has been a great pleasure to us. You have got a boy mixed of most kindly elements, as perhaps Shakspeare might say {1}. His rapidly and clearly working mind has not in the least spoiled his character. I don’t know when I have had to do with so modest and gentlemanly a boy. It is a testimony to day schools and home training, (not, I am afraid, my favourite theory.)
His youth has, of course, been just a little against his making friends, but has not been fatal to it. In Clayton, & in Wood & Brown he has nice associates; but he seems more contented alone than most boys are.
His work is all that I expected, & more: & I feel altogether that he is “a precious youth” committed to my charge. I can realise to some extent what Margaret would feel like if she were left alone to bring up our own little Richard.
I remain
Your friend sincerely
John W. Graham
The writing-paper is engraved with illustrations of the hotel, etc. The year is wrong, as Eddington did not enter Owen’s College till October 1898 (see his Notebook).
{1} Graham evidently had in mind Antony’s encomium on Brutus at the end of Julius Caesar: ‘His life was gentle, and the elements | So mix’d in him that Nature might stand up | And say to all the world “This was a man!”’
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Notitie Publicaties
Extract printed in Douglas, p. 5. The month is indistinct, and might be read as ‘Jun’; hence Douglas gives the date as June 1898.