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- 26 Dec [1945] (Vervaardig)
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Lanercost Priory, Brampton, Cumberland. - Thanks 'Uncle Bob' for sending his poems ["From the Shiffolds"]; likes several of them 'very much, particularly "The Prison-House" which reminded her of a poem she herself wrote recently that was liked by Frances Cornford. Feels as Bob does about the 'modern poets - sure there is a spring of pure poetry there, but not very successful at making it flow!' Wishes 'somebody would write a book explaining T. S. Eliot, like Daddy did for [George] Meredith'. She 'hardly dare[s] ask, fearing the worst', whether Aunt Bessie has head any news about her Röntgen nephews, or whether Professor [Pieter] Geyl 'survived the ordeals he underwent'. She and her husband are 'very happy here, and thoroughly enjoy country life'; the church is 'superb - the ancient 12th century Augustinian priory'; the house 'partly consists of a tower built by Edward I', who came several times. They are just twenty miles from Hallington, which has been released from use as a hospital; her mother spent a few days there before Christmas organising redecoration, but it is 'still full of hospital furniture'. Saw Aunt Annie [Philips] before October, who is 'very old now, and tired, but her interest in things is undiminished' and she 'much appreciates Aunt Bessie's letters'.
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- Moorman, Mary Caroline (1905-1994), historian and biographer (Onderwerp)
- Cornford, Frances Crofts (1886-1960) née Darwin, poet (Onderwerp)
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns (1888–1965), poet, critic, and publisher (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1962), historian, public educator, and conservationist (Onderwerp)
- Meredith, George (1828-1909), novelist and poet (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Elizabeth (1875-1957), musician (Onderwerp)
- Röntgen, Johannes (1898-1969), composer, conductor and pianist (Onderwerp)
- Röntgen, Edvard Frants (1902-1969) cellist (Onderwerp)
- Röntgen, Frants Edvard (1904-1980) architect (Onderwerp)
- Röntgen, Joachim (1906-1989) violinist (Onderwerp)
- Geyl, Pieter Catharinus Arie (1887-1966) historian (Onderwerp)
- Moorman, John Richard Humpidge (1905-1989) bishop of Ripon and ecumenist (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Janet Penrose (1879-1956), author (Onderwerp)
- Philips, Anna Maria (1857-1946), philanthropist, daughter of Robert Needham Philips (Onderwerp)