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- 28 Jun 1911 (Vervaardig)
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The Shiffolds. - Her 'delightful present' came this morning with her letter: the letters [of Robert Louis Stevenson?] are 'indeed a charming book in every way, both inside and out', and he has 'long wished to have a good edition', since he has only read them 'in a desultory way'. Of course 'this edition with the new letters must be far the best': he and Bessie are looking forward to reading it this summer, and Robert is 'very grateful... for so delightful a present'.
Is glad she has had a good time abroad; supposes the weather has 'changed for the worse now', and it is still 'very unsettled' here. Julian has taken to the new nurse 'without much difficulty'. He can now walk very well, and his cold seems almost to have gone.
Robert has been to two funerals recently: on Saturday he went to Haslemere for the funeral of 'old Mr [Henry Graham] Dakyns', who 'died suddenly', and on Monday to Eastbourne for Jonathan Sturges' funeral. Will 'miss Sturges a good deal' though cannot regret his death, since 'he had a very lonely life, and was usually more or less ill'. His death will be sad for Henry James, 'who was perhaps more intimate with him than with anyone else'. Mr Dakyns will also be 'much missed' by Robert and Bessie, and many of their friends.
Saw Charles briefly in London yesterday, who 'seemed very well, and cheerful'. His mother must go to the Grafton Gallery exhibition ['A Century of Art, 1810-1910'] when she returns: the 'Preraphaelites are especially well represented'.
Tovey now seems to be getting on well with 'Ariadne' [The Bride of Dionysus]; they hope he will be able to come to the Shiffolds near the end of July and stay for August. Röntgen has been setting several of Robert's poems for a chorus of women's voices; he has not sent them yet, but. 'they are sure to be interesting, as everything he does is'. Robert hopes to assemble a book of short poems and translations this autumn; thinks he has enough, especially if he includes the first act of his and Bessie's translation of Vondel's Lucifer.
Is very glad his parents have had 'such a restful time at Mürren'; lucky that the H[enry] Y[ates] T[hompson]s happened to be there as well. Sends love to his father.
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- Trevelyan, Caroline (c. 1847-1928), wife of Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 2nd Baronet (Onderwerp)
- Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894), writer (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Elizabeth (1875-1957), musician (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Julian Otto (1910-1988), painter and printmaker (Onderwerp)
- Dakyns, Henry Graham (1838-1911) schoolmaster (Onderwerp)
- Sturges, Jonathan (1864-1911) essayist and translator (Onderwerp)
- James, Henry (1843-1916), writer (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles Philips (1870-1958), 3rd Baronet, politician (Onderwerp)
- Tovey, Sir Donald Francis (1875-1940), knight, music scholar and composer (Onderwerp)
- Röntgen, Julius Engelbert (1855-1932), composer (Onderwerp)
- Vondel, Joost van den (1587-1679) poet, writer and playwright (Onderwerp)
- Thompson, Henry Yates (1838-1928), collector of illuminated manuscripts and newspaper proprietor (Onderwerp)
- Thompson, Elizabeth Alexandrina Murray Yates (1855-1941) wife of Henry Yates Thompson, known as Dolly (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838–1928), 2nd Baronet, politician and author (Onderwerp)